Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week 4: August 31-September 4

Students are really doing a great job identifying the parts of the plot and its sequence. We'll finish this up this week with more practice and review on Monday and Tuesday and the PLOT's common formative assessment on Wednesday. Please remember to complete the PLOT quizlet practice and have a parent sign the Progress Tracker.
Thursday, we'll move right into the important role TRANSITION WORDS have, giving the reader clues as to where the writer is leading them. Friday, we'll go to the library for the first time as a class - Mrs. Schulthies will introduce the Ultimate Utah Expedition program to them - this program fulfills part of our students' Language Arts requirements, so students will be required to complete 2-3 of these activities each trimester - in addition, Mrs. Schulthies offers a bonus incentive for students - CANDY!!! After our library visit, we'll head back to class for more fun with Transition words.
Our i-Read program is moving right along ; students are being introduced to new literary genre almost daily and are beginning to pass-off books they have finished. It's fun to see what they're reading and help them choose new ones. Book 1 equivalency's due date was last Friday, August 28 & will be late this Friday 9/4; book 2 will also be due on Friday 9/4.

Here is the week at a quick glance:

Leany Week 4:
August 31-September 4
Regular Ed – Periods 1,3,4,5
August 31
 September 1
September 2

September 3
September 4
*SSR+ conferences
*Plot – Pixar Day & Night

*Plot: table stories + review
*Transition words – Green-yellow-Read light activity
*Transition words activity