Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 23 - January 25-29, 2016

Students will enjoy this week as we finish-up the ACES essay and move into a new literature unit. Each day we will read a new and interesting story after we learn/practice using prefixes. In addition to this, i-Read book 9 will be due Friday. Book 8 was moved from last Friday (the 22nd) to Monday so students could work on their essay.

Here's the week-at-a-glance:
1st-5th periods Week 23:
Jan. 25-29, 2016
FLEX – SAGE interim completion
Jan. 25
Jan. 26
Jan.27  LA FLEX priority
Jan. 29
* last day in class = ACES essay
*SSR = i-Read #8 Due
* Prefixes intro
*The Accident
* The Coldest Place on Earth
* Lost in the Maine Wilderness
*I-Read #9 Due
*Bear Attack