Saturday, November 7, 2015

Trimester 2 begins - Week 14: November 9-13, 2015

Wow! We have already completed 1/3 of the school year. Great things were accomplished and there's more to be done this trimester as well.
This week we'll finish-up the explanatory paragraph unit as students write a paragraph related to the class novel, Kokopelli's Flute. Then we'll move right into argumentative paragraph writing using the OREO method. Yep - cards and cookies will help students remember how to do these 2 types of writing. Who would have thought.

Here's the week at a glance:

Week 14:
November 9-13
November 9
November 10
November 11
LA FLEX priority
November 12
November 13
Sub – UCTE conference
*ACES – Kokopelli’s Flute topic
*Meet in Library
*OREO - intro
* SSR + i-Reads
*OREO – Class Practice: Is Technology killing our friendships?
* SSR + i-Reads
*OREO – Table practice: Should kids do extreme sports?
* i-Reads = #1 due
*OREO – Table practice: Should kids do extreme sports? Finish-share